Set of measures adopted to strengthen the research career in Europe:
- EU COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION regarding the European Framework for attracting and retaining talent in research, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe (2023 edition)
- European Charter for Researchers (2023 edition)
- European Competence Framework for Researchers(ResearchComp)
Internal analysis questionnaire |
In March 2005 the European Commissionadoptedthe 2005/251 /EC Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for theRecruitment of Researchers. The European Charter for Researchersspecifiestheroles, responsibilities and prerogatives of researchers and employers. The Charter and the Code contain 40 principles and general conditionswhich are structured on fourdimensions:
(1) Ethical and professionalissues;
(2) Recruitment;
(3) Workingconditions and social security;
(4) Training.
On the 29th of March 2011 the management of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași signed the Declaration of accession to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. In this context, the University began, along with 61 other European organizations, a five-step process for implementing the Charter & Code of researchers under the guidance of the European Commission. The successful completion of the implementation process is recognized by the European Commission by giving a logo.
The logo has been obtained by the university on April 10, 2014.
- The European Charter & Code for Researchers
- Open, Transparent and Merit-basedRecruitment of Researchers (OTM-R)
OTM-R ensuresthatthebestperson for the job isrecruited, guaranteesequalopportunities and access for all, facilitatesdeveloping an internationalportfolio (cooperation, competition, mobility) and makesresearchcareers more attractive.
OTM-R bringsbenefitstoresearchers, institutions and thewiderresearchsystem. More specifically, OTM-R makesresearchcareers more attractive, ensuresequalopportunities for allcandidates and facilitatesmobility. Overall, it maycontributeto an increase in the cost-effectiveness of investments in research!
- The internalanalysis (status: completed)
- Developingtheaction plan (status: completed – readthe report here)
- Gettingthe logo (HR Excellence in Research)
- Institutional self-evaluation (2 years)
- Declaration of Commitment of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- The HumanResourceStrategy of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- Strategia de resurse umane a Universității„ Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi
- TEMPLATE 1: GAP ANALYSIS of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- TEMPLATE 3: INTERNAL REVIEW of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi
- Externalassessment (4 years)
· Renewalphase
The working team coordinated by Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research, Development, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Prof. dr. habil. Romeo Iulian OLARIU:
- dr. Ionel MANGALAGIU, Faculty of Chemistry
- dr. Conțiu Tiberiu Cristi ȘOITU – Vice Chancellor for HumanResources, Quality Management and Cultural Activities;
- dr. habil. Cecilia ARSENE – Coordinator RECENT AIR Center
- CS I. dr. habil. Sorin TASCU – Director The Institute of InterdisciplinaryResearch
- dr. Romeo ASIMINEI, Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences
- dr. Ruxandra CIULU, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Elena FELICE, Head of Department the Management of Scientific Research Activities
More information at: