
11, Carol I Boulevard, Iaşi RO – 700506
Telephone: +40 232 20 1052; 20 1053
Fax: +40 232 20 1152

Dean: Associate Professor PhD Dorina-Claudia TĂRNĂUCEANU

Vice-dean: Assistant Professor PhD Titi A COGEANU-HARAGA

Vice-dean: Assistant Professor PhD Ilie MOISUC

Teaching staff
Associate teaching staff


  • Romanian Studies, Journalism and Communication Sciences and Comparative Literature
  • Foreign Languages and Literatures


Bachelor’s Degree (6 semesters)

  • Language and Literature
    • Classical Philology (Latin Language and Literature– Old Greek Language and Literature)
    • Romanian Language and Literature – World and Comparative Literature
    • Romanian Language and Literature – Latin Language and Literature)
    • Romanian Language and Literature – Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish)
    • World and Comparative Literature – Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish)
    • World and Comparative Literature – Romanian Language and Literature
    • Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish) – Romanian Language and Literature
    • Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish) – Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish)
    • Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish) – World and Comparative Literature
    • Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish) – Latin Language and Literature
    • Romanian Language and Literature – Modern Language and Literature (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish)
  • Cultural Studies
    • American Studies (in English)
  • Applied Linguistics
    • Translation and Interpreting (with English, French and German)
  • Communication Sciences
    • Journalism

Foreign languages may by chosen among: English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish.

Master’s Degree (4 semesters)

  • Philology
    • Romanian Literature and Literary Hermeneutics
    •  General Linguistics and Romanian Linguistics
    • Francophone Studies (in French)
    • German Culture in European Context (in German)
    • Applied Linguistics – English as foreign language (in English)
    • Applied French Linguistics – (in French)
    • Foreign Languages, Literatures and Civilisations (in Romanian, Italian, Spanish, Russian)
    • World and Comparative Literature
    • Translation and Terminology (in Romanian, English, French)
    • American Studies (in English)
    • The rhetoric of scientific, literary, journalistic, advertising and electoral discourse (Botoșani extension)

Doctoral School:

  • Philology

Study Guide Bachelor’s programme
Study Guide Master’s programmes

 About the faculty

Founded in 1860 at the same time when Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was established, the Faculty of Letters has been from the start famous for its schools of linguistics and for its specialists in classical and Slavic languages. A list of some of the greatest professors who taught or lectured here should include names like V.A. Urechia, Alexandru I. Philippide, Titu Maiorescu, Garabet Ibrăileanu, Traian Bratu, Charles Drouhet, IorguIordan, Constantin Balmuş, Octav Botez, George Călinescu, Dan Simonescu, Şerban Cioculescu, Petru Caraman, Jean Livescu, Alexandru Dima, N.I. Popa, Gheorghe Ivănescu, Şt. Cuciureanu, Ariton Vraciu.

The present teaching staff at the Faculty of Letters continue this well established school; they have authored volumes that have been granted the Romanian Academy Awards or the Writers’ Union Awards. There are PhD supervisors in all disciplines, some of whom coordinate PhD papers in joint supervision with specialists from foreign universities.

An ongoing research project which is unique in Romania, entitled “Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum,” is being carried out at the Faculty of Letters; it is a comparative and critical edition of the Bible printed in 1688; the project is coordinated by specialists from Iasi, Bucharest, Freiburg, and the Romanian Academy, and aims at simultaneously presenting the facsimile of the original text, its transliteration, along with other versions in Romanian, and a tentative modern version.

One of the Faculty’s constant concerns is to facilitate the contact between students and outstanding specialists from all around the world, in the fields they are studying. In the past five years, the students from the Faculty of Letters have had the opportunity to get to know and interact with famous personalities from the field of Philology/Letters, such as: David Crystal, Michael Metzeltin, Norman Manea and David Lodge.

The Faculty has two auditoriums with video projection systems, a room equipped with a video conferencing system, a multimedia laboratory and a phonetic laboratory.

The Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences offers its students the opportunity to practice journalism in real life conditions. The weekly newspaper “Opinia Studențească” (The students’ opinion) and the online news agency “CuzaNet” are used for practice in the written press. The students within the Journalism Department at Iasi have been awarded various prizes at professional press competitions, where they compete with well-established personalities in the profession.

Through its structure and programs, the Faculty of Letters provides training for teachers in primary and secondary as well as tertiary education, for researchers in philology, for specialists in communication, translation and interpreting.

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