Prestige, Innovation, Excellence
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi is the oldest higher education institution in Romania. Since 1860, the university has been carrying on a tradition of excellence and innovation in the fields of education and research. With over 24.000 students and 752 academic staff, the university enjoys high prestige at national and international level and cooperates with 652 universities world-wide. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is a member of some of the most important university networks and associations: the Coimbra Group, EUA – European University Association, Utrecht Network, International Association of Universities, University Agency of Francophony and the Network of Francophone Universities (RUFAC). These partnerships offer us the opportunity to experience changes, to have student and teacher mobilities and joint academic, research and strategy programmes.
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University became the first student-centered university in Romania, once the Bologna Process was implemented. We believe in the power of individual choice and customized education. Thus, we became the first Romanian university to offer students the opportunity to choose both a major and a minor field of study, in a combination at their choice, that best suits their career goals.
Research at our university is top level. In 2008, for the third year in a row, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was placed first in the national research ranking compiled on the basis of Shanghai criteria. Our teachers are involved in over 187 national and international research projects. Striving for excellence, the university takes unique initiatives to stimulate research quality, to encourage dynamic and creative education and to involve its best students in academic life.
University facts and figures
Academic Year 2024-2025
Number of students
Total number of students (Romanian students, EU and non-EU students and academic mobilities): 25 175:
- Bachelor studies (full time and distance learning): 18 472
- Master studies (full time and distance learning): 5 537
- Doctoral studies (full time and distance learning): 908
- Study mobilities: 258
Total number of students, distributed on faculties:
- Biology: 943
- Chemistry: 314
- Law and Center for European Studies: 2 039
- Economy and Business Administration: 7 409
- Sports: 1 175
- Philosophy: 2 731
- Physics: 360
- Geography and Geology: 1 261
- Computer Science: 1 373
- History: 638
- Letters: 2 211
- Mathematics: 577
- Psychology and Education Sciences: 3 010
- Orthodox Theology: 995
- Roman-Catholic Theology: 139
Teaching staff
Teaching staff: 776
International Cooperation
Academic year 2023-2024
- Bilateral agreements Erasmus with 666 universities from 78 countries
- Incoming study mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 544
- Incoming traineeship mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 21
- Incoming teaching mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 92
- Incoming staff mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 75
- Outgoing study mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 452
- Outgoing traineeship mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 506
- Outgoing teaching mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus KA131, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 169
- Outgoing staff mobilities (Erasmus+ KA103, Erasmus+ KA107, SEE): 153
Development projects
Total number of projects for which funding have been obtained under Romanian Secondary Education Project (ROSE) counts 30 (2017-2021), where:
- Non-competitiveness Grant Scheme for universities (SGNU): 13 projects where 3 in 2017 (round 1) and 10 in 2019 (round 2);
- Competitiveness Grant Scheme for Student Support (SGCU-SS): 3 projects in 2020 (round 3);
- Competitiveness Grant Scheme for universities – Summer programmes (SGCU-PV): 12 projects where 1 in 2017 (round 1), 8 in 2019 (round 2) and 3 in 2020 (round 3);
- Competitiveness Grant Scheme for universities – Learning Centres (SGCU-CI): 2 projects where 1 in 2017 (round 1) and 1 in 2019 (round 2).
Total amount for projects funded under Romanian Secondary Education Project (ROSE) counts over 19.000.000 RON.
The total number of projects for which funding was obtained through the Institutional Development Fund (IDF) is 7 projects (in 2024), as follows:
- Domain 1: Increasing social equity to promote social inclusion and enhance access to higher education: 1 project;
- Domain 2: Increasing the degree of internationalization of Romanian higher education: 1 project;
- Domain 3: Ensuring the proper functioning of university botanical gardens, teaching stations, practice bases, and other infrastructures supporting teaching activities, similar to practice bases, within universities, used for student training: 1 project;
- Domain 4: Supporting the activities of student entrepreneurial societies (SAS) within universities: 1 project;
- Domain 5: Improving the quality of teaching activities, including compliance with academic ethics and deontology: 1 project;
- Domain 6: Developing institutional research capacity in higher education institutions: 1 project;
- Domain 8: Supporting the participation and access of students with disabilities to the educational process: 1 project.
The total value of projects funded through the Institutional Development Fund (IDF) in 2024 is 2.304.000 RON.
Projects having been funded under European Structural and Investment Funds during the programming period 2014 – 2020:
- Regional Operational Programme (POR): 2 projects as a beneficiary (total amount of the project: 32.002.115,37 RON);
- Operational Programme for Human Capital (POCU): 7 projects where 4 as a beneficiary (total amount of the project: 26.189.269,50 RON) and 3 as a partner (total amount contracted by UAIC: 5.808.212,28 RON);
- Operational Programme for Competitiveness (POC): 3 projects as a beneficiary (total amount of the projects: 96.783.927,31 RON);
- Fishery and Maritime Operational Programme (POPAM): 1 project as a beneficiary (total amount of the project: 553.876,16 RON);
- Operational Programme for Administrative Capacity (POCA): 1 project as a partner (total amount contracted by UAIC: 554.208,58 RON);
- Operational Programme Big Infrastructure (POIM): 2 projects where 1 project as a beneficiary (total amount of the project: 1.403.202,04 RON) and 1 project as a partner (total amount contracted by UAIC: 5.301.799,57 RON);
- Operational Programme Technical Assistance – ADR NE (POAT): 1 project as a beneficiary (total amount of the project: 1.412.790,40 RON).
Projects funded through European Structural and Investment Funds in the 2021–2027 programming period:
- North-East Regional Program 2021–2027 (PRNE): 1 project as a beneficiary (total project value: 2.032.434,00 RON);
- Education and Employment Program (PEO): 3 projects, of which 2 projects as a beneficiary (total project value: 12.877.634,02 RON) and 1 project as a partner (contracted value by UAIC: 1.172.606,11 RON);
- Sustainable Development Program (PDD): 1 project as a partner (contracted value by UAIC: 1.367.929,67 RON).
Projects funded through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR):
- Component 15 – Education: 5 projects as a beneficiary (University Digitalization, Pre-university Equipment, Modernization of University Infrastructure, and Construction of University Infrastructure, with a total value of 93.111.049,40 RON) and 2 projects as a partner (Integrated Professional Campus and Training of Early Education Professionals, with a total contracted value by UAIC of 3.317.340,00 RON).
Project funded by the Department for Relations with the Republic of Moldova (DRRM) within the Government of Romania: 1 project with a total value of 100.000,00 RON.
Research Projects
Research Development 2024-2025
A. Research projects with national funding:
National Research, Development and Innovation Plan for the period 2015 – 2020 –PNCDI III
- P1 – National RDI development
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1 Human Resources
- Postdoctoral research projects (PD): 3 projects
- Research projects to stimulate young independent teams (TE): 12 projects
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.2 Institutional performance
- Funding Excellence in RDI projects (PDI-PFE): 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1 Human Resources
- P2 – Increasing the competitiveness of Romanian economy through RDI
- SUB-PROGRAMME 2.1 Competitiveness through research, development and innovation (partially)
- Demonstration Experimental Project (PED): 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME 2.1 Competitiveness through research, development and innovation (partially)
- P3 – European and International Cooperation
- SUB-PROGRAMME 3.2 Horizon 2020 – COFUND: 1 project
- P4 – Frontier and fundamental research
- Exploratory Research projects (PCE): 5 projects
- P5 – Research in Strategic domains
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.2 Participation in international research organizations and programs in the atomic and subatomic field
- CERN-RO Module: 2 projects
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.2 Participation in international research organizations and programs in the atomic and subatomic field
- P1 – National RDI development
National Research, Development and Innovation Plan for the period 2022 – 2027 –PNCDI IV
- Program 5.2 – Human Resources (integral)
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.2.2 Mobilities
- Mobility projects for experienced researchers from the diaspora: 3 projects
- Mobility projects for researchers (MC) – 41 contracts
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.2.2 Mobilities
- Program 5.8 – European and International Cooperation
- Program 5.2 – Human Resources (integral)
- SUB-PROGRAMME8.1 Horizon Europe
- Horizon Europe Awarding – Institutions: 2 projects
- SUB-PROGRAMME8.2 – European and International initiatives
- Digital Europe – 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME8.3 – Bilateral/Multilateral (partially)
- Romania – Moldova Republic cooperation projects– 3 projects
- Romania – France Mobility projects – 2 projects
- Program 5.9 – Research in areas of strategic interest strategic
- 5.9.2/CERN-RO Subprogram Participation in international research bodies and programs in the atomic and subatomic field – 3 projects
- Program 5.9 – Research in areas of strategic interest strategic
Institutional development fund projects FDI, D6-Research Supporting: 1 project
B. National recovery and resilience plan – PNRR
Component 9. Support for the Private Sector, Research, Development and Innovation
Investment 8. Development of a program to attract highly specialized human resources from abroad in research, development and innovation activities (2nd round): 2 projects
C. International funding projects
- European Commission Projects:
- Horizon Europe: 3 projects
- Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation programme: 3 projects
- COST Programme – European Cooperation in Science and Technology: 24 actions
- DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Social Affairs: 1 project
- Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) – DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-DEPLOY-NATIONAL: 1 project
- Other international programs:
- Romania-Koreea Cooperation projects: 1 project
- Research projects funded by International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie): 1 project
- Service contract for ESA – European Space Agency: 1 contract
- Other programs:
- Credit and Scholarship Agency (A.C.B.S.) – 1 scholarship „Vasile Pârvan” at Academia di Romania in Roma
- Grants for young researchers Regele Carol I – 27 scholarship holders undergraduate students
Subsidiary contract for the implementation of the project “National electronic access to scientific literature to support the research and education system in ROMANIA” – ANELIS PLUS 2020”
UAIC Grant – 22 grants
Third parties contracts – 4 contracts
- Patents and patent applications for inventions
2 patents, patent holder UAIC
Research Development 2023
Research projects with national funding:
- National Research, Development and Innovation Plan for the period 2015 – 2020–PNCDI III
- P1 – National RDI development
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1 Human resources
- Postdoctoral research projects (PD): 4 projects
- Research projects to stimulate young independent teams (TE)): 12 projects
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.2 Institutional performance
- Funding Excellence in RDI projects (PDI-PFE): 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME 1.1 Human resources
- P2 – Increasing the competitiveness of Romanian economy through RDI
- P1 – National RDI development
SUB-PROGRAMME 2.1 Competitiveness through research, development and innovation (partially):
- Demonstration Experimental Project (PED): 1 project
- P3 – European and International Cooperation
- SUB-PROGRAMME 3.2 Horizon 2020 – COFUND: 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME 3.6 Support (partially)
- Horizon 2020 awarding: 1 project
- P4 – Frontier and fundamental research
- Exploratory Research projects (PCE): 21 projects
- P5 – Research in Strategic domains
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.2 Participation in international research bodies and programs in the atomic and subatomic field Module CERN-RO: 2 projects
- FAIR-RO Module: 1 project
- P3 – European and International Cooperation
- National Research, Development and Innovation Plan for the period 2022 – 2027 –PNCDI IV
- Program 5.2 – Human Resources (integral)
- Program 5.8 – European and International Cooperation
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.8.1 Horizon Europe
- Horizon Europe-Institution: 1 project
- Awarding Horizon Europe – Research Teams: 1 project
- Program 5.9 – Research in areas of strategic interest strategic
- 5.9.2/CERN-RO Subprogram Participation in international research bodies and programs in the atomic and subatomic field – 1 project
- SUB-PROGRAMME 5.8.1 Horizon Europe
- Institutional development fund projects FDI, D6-Research Supporting: 1 project
International funding projects
- European Commission Projects:
- Horizon Europe: 2 projects
- Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation programme: 5 projects
- COST Programme – European Cooperation in Science and Technology: 25 actions
- DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Social Affairs: 2 projects
- Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) – DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01-DEPLOY-NATIONAL: 1 project
- Other international programs:
- Romania-Koreea Cooperation projects: 1 project
- The Royal Society International Exchanges award – Romania-UK: 1 proiect
Subsidiary contract for the implementation of the project “National electronic access to scientific literature to support the research and education system in ROMANIA” – ANELIS PLUS 2020”
UAIC Grant – 25 grants
Third parties contracts – 3 contracts
Patents and patent applications for inventions
- 1 patent awarded for UAIC
- 4 patent applications submitted to OSIM
Student hostels
- 15 student hostels
- 3 student canteens