Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s website is the best academic site in Romania in the worldwide ranking.
According to the ranking, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (UAIC) is the only higher education institution in Romania which finds itself among the first 1000 universities in the world in terms of utility and maintenance of webpages. is situated on the 580th place worldwide and the 258th place in Europe.
See the entire ranking of Romanian universities here.
The ranking was elaborated considering the following criteria: utility and maintenance of websites, the volume of data with academic relevance (number of scientific articles on Google Scholar, number of documents and files attached), internet visibility (the number of links towards the website), website complexity etc.
The Webometrics ranking is carried out by the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations from Spain, institution which is part of the Ministry of Education from Madrid and which aims to enhance the quality, relevance and volume of academic websites.
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