
About Iustina Michiu

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So far Iustina Michiu has created 385 blog entries.
16 09, 2022

Utrecht Network 7th Annual Research Managers Workshop

By |2022-09-16T14:35:27+03:0016 September 2022|News|

The Research Management Task Force is pleased to announce that their 7th annual Research Managers Workshop will be held at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania on 25th to 28 September 2022. The program will be focused on the European research and innovation program Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe brings new challenges for our researchers and [...]

18 07, 2022

UAIC hosted more than 90 participants from 15 countries during the fifth edition of the JASSY International Summer School

By |2022-07-18T11:19:32+03:0018 July 2022|News, top @en|

Between the 4th and 15th of July 2022, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași organized the fifth edition of the JASSY International Summer School (a Journey through life and hArd sciences, economicS, Social sciences and the tourism industrY). This year’s pool of participants has been quite wide-ranging, with 78 students coming from China, Switzerland, Finland, [...]

10 05, 2021

The fourth edition of the International Symposium for Students and Young Researchers InterCulturalia 2021

By |2021-05-14T07:18:34+03:0010 May 2021|News|

The English Language and Literature Department and French Language and Literature Department of the Faculty of Letters, in partnership with the Geography and Geology Faculty of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bucharest, the Faculty of Letters, History and Theology of the West University [...]

20 09, 2019

The sounding board meeting of DG Justice project Polrom took place at SAS

By |2019-09-20T10:19:00+03:0020 September 2019|News|

On September 6-7, the sounding board meeting of the DG Justice funded project “Identifying evidence-based methods to effectively combat discrimination of the Roma in the changing political climate of Europe“ (808062—PolRom—REC-AG-2017/REC-RDIS-DISC-AG-2017) took place at the Institute for Research in Social Psychology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. The aim of the project is [...]

23 07, 2019

Students from 16 countries have taken part in the 2nd edition of the International JASSY Summer School, organised by UAIC

By |2019-07-25T15:41:42+03:0023 July 2019|News|

Between 7 and 21 July 2019, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi organized the 2nd edition of the International JASSY Summer School (a Journey through hArd sciences, economicS, Social sciences and the tourism industrY). 84 candidates registered for JASSY, coming from 16 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Kazakhstan, the [...]

11 03, 2019

Communiqué on the submission of a proposal for pilot Alliance of European Universities by the EC2U consortium

By |2019-03-11T10:07:32+02:0011 March 2019|News|

The “European Campus of City-Universities, EC2U” consortium is proud to announce that its proposal has been submitted on 27 February 2019, following the call for proposals for pilot Alliances of European Universities, published on 24 October 2018 by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. The EC2U proposal is the result [...]

25 10, 2018

Communiqué on the creation of an Alliance of European Universities

By |2018-10-26T22:06:20+03:0025 October 2018|News|

On October 24, the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency from the European Commission published the call for proposals for pilot Alliances of European Universities, under Key Action 2 of Erasmus + programme. After one year of fruitful joint preparatory work based on their sustained academic cooperation, the universities of Coimbra (Portugal), Alexandru Ioan Cuza [...]

6 03, 2017

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, the winner of the “CFA Institute Research Challenge Romania and Republic of Moldova“ competition

By |2017-03-06T11:46:46+02:006 March 2017|News|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC) won for the third time CFA Institute Research Challenge Romania and Republic of Moldova, an annual competition held under the auspices of the CFA Institute that offers since 2017 hands-on mentoring and intensive training in financial analysis to more than 15000 participants from more than 1000 universities around [...]

24 02, 2016

Creating an International Semester for Master Programmes in Quantitative Finance (INTQUANT)

By |2016-10-25T09:01:35+03:0024 February 2016|News|

The project „Creating an International Semester for Master Programmes in Quantitative Finance“ (INTQUANT) establishes a strategic partnership in finance and risk management between higher education institutions throughout Europe. Through this network INTQUANT aims to enhance the quality and attractiveness of international student mobility in the master programmes in quantitative finance of the involved higher education [...]

7 05, 2014

Intensive Erasmus Programme „Towards the European Banking Union. Historical, economic and legal perspectives on European Integration” (T-EBU IP)

By |2014-05-08T09:33:25+03:007 May 2014|News, top @en|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, together with a consortium formed by University of Poitiers and Institut D’etudes Politiques de Bordeaux from France, University of Geneva from Switzerland, Matej Bel University from Slovakia, the Silesian University in Opava from Czech Republic and Plovdiv University from Bulgaria, organizes, from 19th to 29th of May, 2014, an [...]