Phone: +40 232 201339
Address: 16, Independeței Boulevard, Iași 6600, Romania
Interim Manager: Professor PhD Ștefan ZAMFIRESCU
Phone: +40 232 201339
The Natural History Museum of Iaşi was established on February 4th, 1834, at the initiative of some members of the Doctors and Naturalists Association in Iaşi. It is the first Museum of this type established in the Romanian Principalities; as a cultural institution, it aims at showing the “terrestrial and underground richness of Moldavia, as well as interesting curiosities from other parts of the world”.
The Museum collections include over 300 000 specimens, of which the most valuable are the insect, amphibian, mollusk, reptile, bird, mineral and plant collections. Unique in Romania, the nest and egg collections are of particular interest.
For pupils, students and the citizens of Iaşi in general, The Natural History Museum is an excellent place to learn and relax. Its scientific collections, its library and laboratories represent a useful study basis for all the researchers in the country. Placed in a green and quiet location, the Museum offers people the chance to enrich their soul and knowledge and to protect the living world.