News and press releases

19 02, 2014

Medals for Computer Science students

By |2014-02-20T09:50:31+02:0019 February 2014|News|

Six student teams from the Computer Science Faculty were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the Online Math Olympiad organized by Ariel University Center of Samara, Israel. Under the coordination of professor Florin Iacob, three teams have been awarded gold medals, two teams - silver medals and one team, a bronze medal after the [...]

13 01, 2014

New call for applicants / research fellows – Improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation (iCARE) FP7‐ Marie Curie Initial Training Network

By |2014-01-20T11:40:09+02:0013 January 2014|News|

ESR/PhD position (36 months), available at KU Leuven, Leuven Institute for Media and Learning, Belgium and ER/PostDoc Position (24 months), available at KU Leuven, Leuven Institute for Media and Learning, Belgium, in the FP7‐Marie Curie Initial Training Network ‘Improving Children’s Auditory Rehabilitation (iCARE)’. Please find the description of the positions and general information about the project here.

12 12, 2013

Universities and Research

By |2016-10-12T15:29:57+03:0012 December 2013|News|

Revista de Politica Ştiinţei şi Scientometrie a organizat în data de 4 decembrie 2013, la Universitatea din Bucureşti, masa rotundă cu titlul „Universităţile şi Cercetarea din România Încotro?”. Există o tradiţie a revistelor internaţionale de profil de a organiza periodic astfel de mese rotunde, cu experţi invitaţi, ale căror concluzii să servească apoi ca input decidenţilor [...]

8 12, 2010

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University: 150 years

By |2016-10-12T15:31:14+03:008 December 2010|News|

The oldest university in Romania celebrated on the 27th of October 150 years since its foundation. In the Mihai Eminescu Aula Magna of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University took place, starting at 10 a.m, a festive ceremony called Dies Anniversarius, at which participated over 450 guests from Romania and abroad.

8 06, 2010

Ambasadorul Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii conferenţiază la UAIC

By |2014-01-07T15:34:40+02:008 June 2010|Conferințe, Studenți|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University and the British Embassy Bucharest invite you to participate in the Conference on Foreign Policy Issues, followed by debate, delivered by His Excellency Mr. Robin BARNETT, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Romania. 10 June 2010, 15 – 16.30 hrs. University Building A, “Paul Demetrescu” Aula (Room I.1)

27 04, 2010

Grants for 80 young reseachers

By |2016-10-12T15:31:32+03:0027 April 2010|News|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi has launched a new project, intending to offer support to 80 post-doctoral researchers for their advanced research activities. The project, entitled “Developing the Innovation Capacity and Improving the Impact of Research through Post-doctoral Programmes”, will last for a period of three years. The project is expected to add value [...]

17 02, 2010, the best academic site in Romania

By |2016-10-12T15:31:39+03:0017 February 2010|Noutăți|

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s website is the best academic site in Romania in the worldwide ranking. According to the ranking, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (UAIC) is the only higher education institution in Romania which finds itself among the first 1000 universities in the world in terms of utility and maintenance of webpages. is situated [...]

7 01, 2010

Two honorific titles awarded by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University before the winter holidays

By |2016-10-12T15:31:46+03:007 January 2010|doctor honoris causa, News|

University of Vienna’s Rector, Professor Georg Winckler, has been conferred on the 17th of December 2009 the Doctor Honoris Causa title of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University. Professor Winckler, Princeton University graduate and Rector of University of Vienna since 1999, has received Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s highest distinction for his contributions to the field of Macroeconomics. Within [...]

6 01, 2010

First FP7-ESF-COST project coordinated by Romania

By |2016-10-12T15:31:46+03:006 January 2010|News|

Professor PhD Liliana Mitoseriu, from Alexandru Ioan Cuza University’s Faculty of Physics won the first European COST project coordinated by Romania. The project, entitled “SINGLE- AND MULTIPHASE FERROICS AND MULTIFERROICS WITH RESTRICTED GEOMETRIES (SIMUFER)” has 20 stakeholder countries, out of which 18 are members of the UE. Apart from the specific scientific activities, the SIMUFER [...]

8 07, 2009

The student team of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University has won the great trophy of IMAGE CUP 2009

By |2016-10-12T15:31:53+03:008 July 2009|News|

Sytech Team, comprised of Adrian Buzgar, Calin Juravle and Andreas Resios – master students at the Computer Science Faculty of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University has won yesterday the great trophy of IMAGE CUP STUDENT COMPETITION 2009, held in Cairo – Egypt. You can find other details about the competition and its winners visiting the official web page. [...]