News and press releases

1 06, 2009

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University students, medalled at the International Online Mathematics Olympics

By |2014-01-15T15:36:41+02:001 June 2009|News|

The team representing Alexandru Ioan Cuza University was awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the IVth edition of the International Online Mathematics Olympics, organized by Ariel University Center of Israel. The event, which gathered competitors from more than 13 countries, took place between the 14th and 27th of May 2009. The finals of the Olympics brought [...]

25 05, 2009

A Theology PhD Student is awarded at Cannes International Film Festival

By |2014-01-15T15:46:36+02:0025 May 2009|News|

The Theology graduate Ioan Antoci was awarded the Best East-European Script at Cannes Film Festival, for his story “The Japanese dog”. After the Palm d’Or Trophy, won by Cristian Mungiu, this year it was Ioan Antoci, graduate and Theology PhD student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, who brought Iași back on the Cannes prize winners' stage.

28 04, 2009

A Physics student will be the Romanian representative in a prestigious international conference

By |2014-02-24T14:43:08+02:0028 April 2009|Studenți|

Lavinia Curecheriu, a postgraduate student from the Faculty of Physics, will represent Romania at the International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society (ECERS), which will take place in Poland, between 21st and 25th of June. The student will participate at the Student Speech Contest section, after winning the national stage of the competition. The ECERS Conference is now at [...]

18 03, 2009

Shenandoah University delegation at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

By |2014-02-24T14:09:43+02:0018 March 2009|International, Noutăți|

11 guests from Shenandoah University of Winchester, USA, visited Alexandru Ioan Cuza University between 8th and 10th of March, aiming to consolidate the academic collaboration between the two institutions and initiating new partnerships with several faculties of the university. The visiting delegation consisted in 2 members of the teaching staff, 2 members of the administrative staff and 8 students. They visited [...]

26 01, 2009

The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, co-author of a good practice guide in the field of international cooperation

By |2014-02-24T14:45:42+02:0026 January 2009|Noutăți|

The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University is involved in a European Erasmus Mundus project which aims at developing, by 2010, a handbook of good practice in the administration and management of joint degree networks. The project, which involves 18 partners from 11 countries, is coordinated by the University of Bologna. Within this Erasmus Mundus project, our university will [...]

5 01, 2009

The Senate Board of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University adopted a new Code of Ethics

By |2014-02-24T14:48:41+02:005 January 2009|Anunţuri, Noutăți|

On the 18th of December 2008, the Senate Board of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University adopted a new Code of Ethics, which includes a few important changes in contrast to the previous version. The new Code of Ethics strictly forbids the employment of new staff who are related up to the fourth degree of kinship to members of the [...]

9 10, 2008

Fulbright Senior grants

By |2014-01-07T10:42:56+02:009 October 2008|News|

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the annual competition for Fulbright Senior grantsfor Romanian citizens. The candidates will be selected through open, merit-based competition. Grants are available for: Conducting research at the U.S. institutions and/or Lecturing in the U.S. institutions Fields: Any field, except clinical medicine; Grant duration: between 3-8 months Eligibility Requirements Applicants must [...]

29 04, 0209

UAIC invention awarded Gold Medal in Geneva

By |2014-02-24T14:51:42+02:0029 April 0209|Noutăți, Premii|

A team from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports won the Gold Medal at the International Showroom of Inventics in Geneva, where they presented a workout device for the paraplegic and hemiplegic patients. The team was conducted by Phd. Professor Marin Chirazi, the dean of the faculty, and also comprised Marin Neculăeș, expert in kinetotherapy and Viorel Strungariu, [...]